Interview With Nicola: A Lordette - YouTuber & Fibro Warrior

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to catch up with Nicola who is a popular YouTuber and Vlogger. Nicola's weekly vlogs provide an insight into what it's like to live with Fibromyalgia and M.E. I know that when you first get diagnosed with a chronic illness, you can feel lost, alone and thoroughly overwhelmed by the amount of information that is out there. But I wanted to hear first hand from - a fellow Fibro Warrior. What it's like to live with it long-term and how you can manage it more effectively to improve your daily quality of life. 
And as they say the rest is history... I ended up on Nicola's virtual doorstep. After a quick search, her channel was the one I felt most welcome at and have continued to come back time and time again. Her warm personality and clear explanations make her channel a popular place to be.

Hi Nicola! Thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions.

I have been watching your videos for the past few months and wanted to know what inspired you to become a vlogger?

So the reason I wanted to become a vlogger was because I had to leave my job. I had been working in a school, for 6 years. At that moment I felt like I had no purpose, I just existed, I didn't do anything... So I started watching YouTube and found a love for it really. I thought I could give that a go, so I did. I just picked up the camera and started filming. 

With all the YouTuber's out there how do you decide what content you would like to post and how do you stand out?

I was inspired by Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes because they were my favourite vloggers at the time. I enjoyed that they posted weekly vlogs and I could see what they were up to often - I'm nosy like that. So I decided to do a weekly vlog and I felt like that suited my life. I added the 'Fibro Sections' because that's what I wanted my channel mainly to be, to help others with Fibromyaligia, M.E and other chronic illnesses. To show others that we can still have a good life. I did as much research as I could into Fibro and M.E for myself, as well as everybody else, because you don't really get that sort of information from the medical professionals. Then it sort of developed to include 'Come Shop with Me's because firstly I love to shop and secondly people love Come Shop with Me's! I'm doing something that I enjoy and something that the viewers want to see.

So when you decide on what content to make, how do you ensure that it connects with your viewers?

It's making sure that I am aware that I have a variety of viewers. I have some that have Fibromyalgia, some that have other chronic illnesses and some that don't as well. I have family and friends that watch because they just want to see what I have been up to. But it's making it clear that if I am talking about Fibromyalgia then I say 'You may want to skip this bit' - because I know that not everyone is going to want to watch for that. It's also important to connect outside of YouTube with people, that's why I always advertise new vlogs on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. When people direct message me I always try and reply as much as I can, because I feel its important to have the connection with my subscribers. 

So for those who are unfamiliar with your channel, what does your weekly content consist of?

On a Saturday I always post a weekly vlog, looking back at the previous week and what I have been up to. On a Wednesday I also upload, whether that's a 'Fibro Section', a 'Come Shop with Me' or 'A Favourites'. I have had requests to do cooking and craft videos and these have been included in the Wednesday series.

Do you identify as disabled / chronically ill? If so how does the affect your daily life?

I consider myself to be chronically ill and disabled, I see it as being the same thing. My diagnosis is Fibromyalgia and M.E, Osteoarthritis, severe IBS and Dyspepsia. The Fibro started when I was in hospital with a bowel infection and I have many other things going on, like people do with a chronic illness. I take each day as it comes basically. I have a list of things that I want to get done each day but it is trying not to put pressure on yourself to get those things done, if you can't. For instance if you are having a 'flair' and you can only get up and brush you teeth, that's all your going to be able to do - Y'know, its just judging each day as it comes and pacing yourself is important. 

How did you feel when you first received your diagnosis?

It was a bit weird when I first got my diagnosis. I went to a Rheumatologist first, but they were horrible and they really upset me. We suggested I could have Fibromyalgia, but they said no - you have to be ill for years to have a diagnosis of that. Which was a load of rubbish, you have to be in pain for 3 months which can't be explained. So then I referred to the Pain Clinic and the Consultant said 'You have Fibromyalgia'. It was a bit of a relief to get the diagnosis, because you go around thinking 'What's wrong?'. You think you know what's wrong - but you need someone to confirm it. So once I was diagnosed I could start living my life with this new condition. 

Are there any aids / equipment you use to help you stay independent?

There are loads of different aids I use in my daily life. I can't probably list all of them, but I have made a video on them. To walk I use a stick, a walking trolley, a mobility scooter and I do have a wheelchair. But I don't use the wheelchair so much now, as I have the scooter and I feel more independent when using it. I have lots of aids in the kitchen to help me - like an electric tin opener, a one touch kettle,  a grab coaster to open jars and lids... I have a lot and I couldn't live without them! 

Which one of your videos received the highest amount of views and why do you think that way?

My video which received the most views was the one on Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and it's had more than 13,000 views so far! The reason for that is because PIP is not open to just the chronically ill, but to any kind of disability which makes working difficult and living hard. Obviously its going to attract a wider audience and now with Long-Covid, there are so many more cases for PIP. This is also the video that I have  had the most horrible comments on. I had to remove one recently that said 'Your fake' - I try not to let them hurt, but sometimes they do!

If you could go back and talk to the newly diagnosed Nicola - what would you say?

That's a really good question. I would say hold tight - it's going to be tough, but you will get through it. But there is a life with Fibro and M.E - a good life, but you just have to live it a bit differently. You need to enjoy and live every moment you can and live life to the full - because you only get one shot!

Now living with Fibromyalgia - how do you spend your free time?

Free time - I get a lot of that! So I like to do craft, watch YouTube - that's my favourite thing to do and I have so many vloggers I follow. I like to spend time with family and friends, but that's restricted mainly to weekends, when their not working. During the week I see my Mum and Dad a lot, we go out and around the Garden Centres, whilst stopping for a cup of tea. I enjoy my garden, but doing work in it has be done in small doses. 

So you have told me how you like to spend your free time at home, what about if you go on holiday - what is the best holiday you have taken?

It's got to be Florida, I'm lucky to have been 4 times. Each time has been incredible - I love it! But the last time we went, was when I started getting ill with the bowel infection - so it has bittersweet memories, because it was the last time I can remember having proper energy. 

Who is your favourite YouTuber and why?

That's a really hard question because I've got sooo many that I follow. So the first one's we started watching were Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes - we still love them! But I also like: The Lodge Guys, Elle Darby, Gemma Louise Miles, It's Em, Liza Prideaux,Tim Tracker, Thatcher Joe Vlogs and Sophie and Dave.

Looking back on your vlog journey is there anything you would do  differently?

Probably not - I think I have just grown as a YouTuber. When I watch my first vlogs I cringe at some of the different things I've done or the different editing styles I've used. A lot of people pay for subscribers and editing - but I haven't done any of that - I've done it all myself and yes it's taken me 3 years but I've done that off my own back. It's been done through hard work and trying to improve myself.

Where do you see your channel going over the next 12 months?

I see it still growing. I don't think its going to be one of these massive channels because that's not what I'm doing it for. I'm doing it to help others, my channel is to help others with chronic illness to live their best lives. I think it will continue, unless I get a job in the future and it may change - I maybe wouldn't vlog as much, but at the moment its just giving my subscribers what they want really.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Okay I don't like this question, because you either sound big headed or like your bashing yourself up! But I will say what people have said about me - I'm kind, caring and creative!

How many subscribers do you have?

I think when I last checked I had 1004 subscribers - but the number is luckily going up, so it could be more now.

What advice would you give to someone starting out on YouTube?

Just give it a go, pick the camera up and be clear, concise and have good editing skills. I use Wondershare Filmora editing and it's pretty good and I've got better at editing. I'm not the best editor but I try my best and it's developed as my channel has grown. Give it a go - but be good, if it's crap people aren't going to watch. Try and be the best that you can be.

Do you think social media is a good or bad thing - has it made the world more accessible?

I love social media and I think it has opened the world for so many people. Obviously it has bad things about it to - I don't like that it makes people feel they need to be a certain way or look a certain way. There is a YouTuber I watched called Carys and she is all for body-positivity. She recently had a baby and she has no issues showing her 'mum-tum' and stretch marks - she's always pro body positivity no matter what size you are! So it can be good and bad - but I love it!

Are there any particular resources you use that you can recommend to others or equipment you need to use when vlogging?

The camera I use is a Canon-SX1130HS and it's a really good little camera. I know a lot of vloggers use cameras which flip out to the sides, but mine flips out to the top. I also use a variety of tripods, so it's just working out which one's are good for you really. For the 'Fibro Sections' I research online and by looking on several different sites I can find different information. I also use Twitter if I need the public's opinion or I need people's ideas. 

Where do you enjoy shopping and why?

So most of my shopping is done on Amazon and eBay because it's online and it's easy. But if I was to go to my favourite shop - it has to be Primark, as you can probably see from my vlogs. That's where I buy most of my clothes! But we live near a Sainsburys, so we pop in there sometimes. 

What are your hobbies?

I have quite a few hobbies - like craft, gardening, interior design, I am an interior designer. I like to make sure my home looks nice and I help my friends and family to do this. Oh and YouTube is a massive hobby! 

 What is your favourite movie and why?

It has to be 'The Holiday' - I just love it! I like the Christmas theme and of course Jude Law is delicious in it! My other tops films are the Harry Potter series - we are fanatics! 

Your family and friends often feature in your vlogs - tell us about them.

So my family and friends do feature a lot on my weeklies. So there is my husband Mark, two daughters Holly and Poppy, there is Carter - Holly's boyfriend who has been living with us for the past 6 months - but he is moving out soon, there's my Mum and Dad - I have my biological Dad and step-mum but they don't like to be in the vlogs very much, there's also Mark's Mum, Dad and Sister - so we have a lot of family that pop up every so often! The friend's that mainly feature are Angela and Simon, and their daughters. Then there are my friends Tanya and Wendy - there's all sorts! I like to show a variety of people because I think people may get sick of seeing my face and hearing my voice! 

Do you have any questions for me?

Yes - why do you like my vlogs and how do you think they have affected you? 

I would say that I find your vlogs informative and thoroughly researched, your explanations of Fibro-related issues are easily accessible and clearly communicated. You are relatable and have a genuine rapport with your viewers - we feel like you are actually 'talking to us'. Also it's a great way to still be able to 'get out of the house' and 'see the world' - even when you are feeling too poorly to get out of bed. Hmmm... I see your channel going from strength to strength and gaining new viewers as more and more people are being diagnosed with long-term / chronic illness.

That's all folks - thanks for taking part Nicola!

Find out more about Nicola and her weekly antics on her YouTube channel and be sure to check out her Instagram too. 

Collaborative post with Nicola Lord - check out her Youtube channel here or Facebook here. If you liked this, be sure to check back regularly for other collaborative interviews! Thanks for stopping by!


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