About Me:

Hi there and thanks for stopping by! 

My name is MJ, and I'm a chronically ill blogger, accessibility writer and Wales.

I currently share my time between Grants Management and Bid Writing in the third sector, reviewing accessibility in venues, blogging and freelance writing, researching accessible employment and education options and I'm hoping to undertake a PhD in Disability Studies soon! In my spare time (where there is any) I enjoy visiting places to review, reading (lots) and supporting charities to research funding opportunities and writing bids. I can usually be found with a dog in lap, a book in hand, laptop on the arm of the chair and working in my 'comfies'. 


Looking back I have always lived with a debilitating chronic illness, but more recently it has reached a point where I need to use mobility aids to make my daily life more independent and to keep me on my feet. This completely made me revaluate my lifestyle, as before I would try and power through and would be laid up in bed for days on end, either with a crippling migraine or enervating pain. It took strength, courage and determination to really find my way of life again, by finding out who I am now and standing on my own two feet again.

Now things are finally settling down again, I am beginning to find my voice to speak up about chronic illness, to advocate on disability issues and generally campaign for equal opportunities both in general for myself and for others. As far back as I can remember I have always written from a young age and this was professionalised by undertaking a BA in English with Creative Writing and later an MSc in research. More recently writing has become a salvation for me and a cathartic process, in which I can write down my thoughts. Writing was part of the old me and is now part of the new, something that I am still able to do. Having worked in the third sector for a number of years has taught me to find humour, even in the darkest of moments and this is something which I still apply daily to my own life. Since using mobility aids I have encountered many hilarious moments, from trying to get over the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley, in a mobility scooter to falling off a curb whilst riding one. Consequently I decided to start my blog, centred around my life and thoughts: accessibility issues, equality and inclusion, advocacy and your right to be heard, books, interview, all things Welsh, lifestyle, bid writing and being a woman with a chronic illness, who also happens to be disabled.

Primarily, I want people to find a safe place here, where they can come for advice and tips on disability lifestyle and accessibility, have a giggle at my escapades and generally realise that it's okay to be you - just as you are. You can work with what you have and what you can do. By leading a life how you want to. You are after all the expert on you (and your condition). From a young age we are often conditioned to have a set path and goals laid out before us, many we have not set out ourselves. But your life doesn't have to go any way you don't want it to. The media and those in society who are non-disabled, love to hear 'inspiration porn' where disabled people / those living with a chronic illness work to overcome their condition and 'barriers'. When in reality the so called 'barriers' are there because society is conditioned to label everyone and apply limitations, is not inclusive and generally is not equip to deal with fluctuating health conditions. I want to be able to provide practical advice and guidance from a personal perspective, in a non-judgemental and empathetic manner. But always coupled with humour, to demonstrate that no matter how we are feeling or what we are dealing with on a daily basis, that life is a learning curve, we are only human and we are only here once! So why not join me for the ride?! When it comes to living, working and existing with a chronic health condition, everyone's path to tread is different and you must choose your own way.  


One final note about something I am passionate about and that is the continual underfunding of vital charities who provide a lifeline for those living with chronic illness and disabilities like mine. Without Fibromyalgia UK I would not be writing this blog, I wouldn't know how to work with my condition in order to live an independent life and I certainly would not have been able to retain my job. So please think about giving a donation, however small, to a small charity which has impacted you in someway.

If you are an organisation who has need of a contribution to a blog or general writing proposal, why not contact me - I am looking for voluntary experience.

You can contact me on: chronicallyill9@gmail.com or my Instagram is: @moanmentsandmemories

I am also looking for individuals who live with chronic illness / disability, those who have impacted the world of accessible living and general equality enthusiasts to contribute to my blog. This can be via a direct interview or a guest blog - interested? Pop me an email and I will pop the kettle on!

If you have made it this far, thank you! If I am someone who you would like to get to know, I would love for you to stick around. You can connect with me via my Instagram or email.

Take care, make good choices, laugh lots and always be kind!



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